Friday, May 24, 2013


Today I asked why we bear Earth Balance's logo on our jerseys. They sponsor our peanut butter. I understand this as unlimited peanut butter all summer long. I understand this as crunchy happiness.

I tried boiled peanuts today, as recommended by my friend Leah. I stood over a garbage can because I expected to hate them, but they honestly weren't that bad. Later, I tried fried peanuts, and popped the whole thing in my mouth, shell and all. Also not bad. We got a dance and a jig from Tony the Peanut Man.

I'm convinced that I'm on the best of Bike & Build's 8 cross-country routes, because we have the longest trip in counting both mileage and days - "SC2SC - longest and strongest." Also,  I'm on the greatest team, because these folks are hilarious, adventurous, hard working, and have hearts of gold. Everyone's such a character... I suppose myself included. We also have the highest number of building days, making the biggest impact we can on affordable housing. Today was the first build day of 16 this summer, and we worked in Charleston.

Bike & Build & Be good looking

The build day was spent spreading dirt around the house, digging holes for installing a fence, and spreading concrete on the sidewalk, driveway, and walkway. I was really excited about getting my hands in some soil, maybe because it reminded me of farming, maybe because I've never worked with silt and red clay. I also got really focused during the spreading of the concrete, and waded through it in big rain boots.

The Habitat for Humanity of Charleston supplied our dinner, and I got to meet folks from both the church and from Habitat today. I mentioned in my last post that there was a girl named Madalyn who was praying for me - I met her tonight! She is three and a bit shy, but she remembered facts about me, like that I'm from Massachusetts. We had a jumping contest and she totally showed me up.
Little Madalyn and Big Madalyn are best friends.

The day ended with a minor league baseball game. We were cheering for the home team, the Riverdogs, and SC2SC decided to get really into this. Austin we out to find body paint, and we painted our faces. We were the Riverdogs biggest and loudest fans. They lost, but then there were fireworks!

I need to go wash R DOGS off my face now!

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