Saturday, May 25, 2013


The Trinity United Methodist Church held a send-off ceremony for us. Pastor Daniel read aloud a hymn, and I found myself easily relating the Biblical words with the trip I'm about to embark on, but then it made a direct reference to "Bike & Build" and I knew then that Pastor Daniel had written it himself for us. Ethan recited that famous part of Brave Heart and his voice is still missing.

And then we were off! Today was a simple 38 miles. In the first half mile I fell and skidded my knee. We hung out for a long time at lunch eating cold leftover pizza. I realized that I made a mistake earlier. When I was coasting down the bridge during the shakedown ride, I wasn't going at 43 mph, the computer was set to kilometers. Maybe later this summer I'll get to 43 mph. Then we made it over to Monck's Corner.

This church we're at is very nice and accommodating. They made us so much delicious food for dinner and dessert. This evening folks have played ultimate, played guitar, and gone swimming in a nearby lake.

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